The Wells Project

We have recently partnered with Pastor Joseph Wilson of Zion Ministries International in India.  There are areas in India where fresh water is difficult to find.  Pastor Joseph helps new and established churches in villages in India get fresh water while spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

We have set a goal to help fund 3 wells in India in 2023!  Each well costs $3500.  Join us as we help Pastor Joseph Wilson not only provide clean drinking water to villages in India, but also help spread the Gospel!

For the last 4 weeks, our Overcomers Youth have been collecting change to be donated to the wells in India for Pastor Joseph.  Shortly afterwards, a member of the church came forward and promised to double whatever cash and change raised, and would match any checks donated.  The results were.....well, see for yourself!

Dedication of Grace Tabernacle Well #1

They hit water!!

While drilling the well your funds helped build, they hit water at approximately 700 feet, and was able to install the pump at approximately 870 feet!